About Us - Principal's Message

Woods are lovely dark and deep…..
But I have promises to keep…..
Miles to go before I sleep…..
Miles to go before I sleep…..
It is indeed a very proud moment for all of us associated with Army Goodwill School with the launch of this website. A new milestone has been added in the long journey of providing quality and modern education to the young and bubbling children of our society.
Since its inception in 1995, Army Goodwill School has embarked on the path of providing quality education to the children of socio economic backgrounds. Since then, it has made a positive influence in the lives of the people of Kargil region. At my personal front, I am extremely pleased to be associated with Army Goodwill School with my team of teachers, which has given us an opportunity to serve the society in the dignified way. I along with my staff have taken the resolution to strive hard with utmost devotion and dedication to achieve objectives set by Army Goodwill School.
The launch of this website will be a stepping stone for us, to keep up the pace with the changing time in the internet era. This website would of immense help for us to impart the quality education to our students. This site has all the required information about our institution and will definitely spread awareness amongst the masses about internet and web based education.
My best wishes to all.
Principal AGS, Harka Bahadur